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Frequently Asked Questions

About Communication

How can I contact the authorities during the camp?

Contact numbers that can be reached 24/7 during the camp are shared with our parents during the briefings before the start of the camp.

How is communication between students and their parents established?

It is possible to communicate with students via their personal phones. Students who do not have a personal phone can be contacted through our team.

Since students have active schedules during the day, the recommended time intervals for communication between students and parents are the rest breaks in the daily schedule and personal time.

Is it allowed to use cell phones during the camp?

We do not find it right to impose a ban on technology, which has become an indispensable part of our lives, and we think it is a better perspective to raise individuals who are aware of this issue by creating awareness and guidance on the correct use of technology. For this reason, we do not collect our students’ phones during the camp, and we allow them to use their personal phones freely.

Within the scope of the daily program, students’ personal phones are collected and kept in boxes by our team responsible for both trainings and activities and returned to the students at the end of the relevant training and activity. In this way, we minimize external factors that may distract students during classes and activities.

Is wireless internet available in the campground?

Yes. Wireless internet is available both in the common areas of the campground and in the bedrooms. All our students can connect to wireless internet free of charge if they wish.

There is no wireless internet service during the excursions organized once a week.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Health

What is the process in case of a health problem?

We have personnel who have received first aid training within our organization team, but in case of a possible health problem, we find it more appropriate for professional health personnel to intervene in the case, except in mandatory cases.

Within Uludağ National Parks, in the same region as our hotel, there is an equipped health facility affiliated with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey, health personnel working 24/7 within this facility and an equipped ambulance that is ready 24/7. In case of a possible health problem, the relevant health personnel within this facility are contacted and the first intervention is made. If necessary, an ambulance is used in emergency cases, and in non-emergency cases, our organization team transfers the student who has a health problem to the health institutions in Bursa City Center and the relevant treatment is provided.

Which hospitals are preferred in case of a referral to the hospital?

In cases of health problems that require referral and/or cases that are considered risky, our students with health problems are referred to hospitals in Bursa City Center by ambulance or our organization team upon the guidance of the first aid personnel. The names of the hospitals we prefer primarily due to their location are as follows:

Apart from these health institutions, in cases other than emergency cases, it is possible to apply to another preferred health institution if requested and directed by the student’s parents.

Who accompanies the student in case of hospitalization?

In case of referral, one or more of our organization team members at the executive level will accompany our student throughout the whole process. The accompaniment process starts with the departure of our student from the organization area and lasts until his/her return to the organization area.

Our accompanying member(s) performs the official procedures such as entering and leaving the health institution, accompanying the student during the treatment if necessary, making the necessary conversations with the doctor and health personnel, providing the necessary medications for the treatment process and informing the student’s parents about the details of this whole process.

If it is necessary to go to the health institution again for control purposes during the treatment process, the process is carried out in a similar manner.

How is the communication process with the family managed in case of a health problem?

If a student with a health problem reports his/her complaints to our staff or in case of a sudden health problem, the student’s parents are informed by phone as soon as possible. In all cases where it is decided to give any medication or supplements to the student, the approval of the student’s parents is asked by phone. The health status of the student who has a health problem is monitored on a regular basis, and the student’s parents are notified periodically.

In the event that both phone numbers notified to us by the student’s parents cannot be reached, the treatment of the case in concern is continued in accordance with the evaluation of the health personnel.

What is the procedure for students with chronic health conditions?

For students who have a chronic health problem and need to take medication or supplements during the camp, the medication and supplements that are necessary to be used during the camp are provided separately from the relevant student’s parents and are only available to the relevant student. The medication or supplements of a student in this situation cannot be given to another student.

What are the medicines and supplements provided for health problems?

The health forms containing details about the health status of each student before the start of the program are received from their families and the relevant preliminary preparations are made accordingly. The list of medicines and supplements that are kept ready for use as standard during the organization and can be accessed 24/7 is shared with all parents.

The processes of students with chronic health problems who need to take special medication or supplements during the camp are planned and monitored separately.

How are the storage and use of medicines and supplements monitored?

The process of storing all medicines and supplements during the organization and their use by the relevant student when necessary is managed by our staff on duty. All medicines and supplements are kept out of the reach of the students in safe and appropriate storage conditions. Students are not allowed to keep any medication or supplements with them for security reasons.

Are the students offered health insurance?

Students who attend our camp from Turkey, who are citizens of the Republic of Turkey or who have a residence permit within the borders of the Republic of Turkey are not offered separate health insurance. Students in this category already have the right to benefit from health services with state insurance. Students in this category may also be covered by emergency health insurance or other insurance if requested by the student’s parents. In case of a possible health problem, if the student has external health insurance, it is ensured that the student receives services from the relevant health institution with the approval of the student’s parents in accordance with the details of this insurance.

For students (mainly international students) who attend our camp and do not meet the above-mentioned criteria, it is recommended to have separate insurance. In this regard, the parents of the students and the business partners who carry out the registration process of the student are informed and the necessary advice and guidance are given regarding the insurance.

In cases that require the transfer of students from one place to another during the camp (for example, city trips or airport transfers), the transportation service is provided by the tourism company from which the transportation service is purchased, and the seat insurance or other additional insurances, if any, that are mandatory for such services are taken out by the relevant company from which the service is purchased.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Transportation

How is transportation to the campsite organized?

Transportation to and from the campsite is possible in 2 different ways: our students can reach and leave the campsite by their own means or our students can reach and leave the campsite with the transportation vehicle(s) organized by our team at the meeting points in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Bursa.

Students who will reach the campsite by their own means can be brought to and picked up from the campsite by their parents or relevant accompanying people by paying attention to the camp entrance and exit times.

Students whose transportation to the campsite will be organized by our team will be picked up from their parents or accompanying people at predetermined time intervals at the predetermined meeting point and will be delivered to their parents or accompanying people at the end of the program in a similar way.

Note: Students who meet with our team in this process may have to wait for other students before departure.

Meeting points are Sabiha Gökçen Airport for Istanbul, Esenboğa Airport and our office on Eskişehir Road for Ankara, Adnan Menderes Airport for Izmir and the intercity bus terminal for Bursa.

Is transportation provided by UP English Camp?

UP English Camp is not a tourism agency and therefore does not offer any transportation services in-house. Transportation service is organized by outsourcing from partner tourism agencies that have the status of a tourism agency and have the relevant authorizations and approvals. In other words, the transportation vehicle, the driver and the relevant insurance policies are provided by the tourism agency.

UP English Camp team accompanies the students and organizes the process.

On which days is transportation organized?

The arrival days of our camp are Sundays and the departure days are Saturdays. Therefore, transportation organizations are organized only on the relevant days.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Accommodation

What are the standards of the rooms where students stay?

Students are accommodated in 4-star hotel standard rooms. Each room has its own toilet and bathroom in the room and is used only by the students staying in the room. Facilities such as towels or hair dryers are provided by hotel standards.

There may be structural differences between rooms, such as the floor on which the room is located, whether it faces the front or the back, and whether it has a balcony or not (in rooms with a balcony, the balcony door is kept locked and the balcony is not available for use). However, there are no differences in general standards (equipment, materials used in the room, heating or cooling, etc.).

How many people are accommodated in the rooms?

Accommodation is organized in rooms for 3 people as standard.

Accommodation in rooms for 2 people is only offered if 2 students are participating in the program together and want to stay in the same room. In such a request, there is a price difference in order to avoid any discrimination due to other students staying in a 3-person room.

Accommodation in 1-person rooms is not offered under any circumstances, prioritizing the safety of the student concerned.

Note: UP English Camp reserves the right to offer accommodation in a 2-person room instead of a 3-person room.

According to which criteria are students placed in their rooms?

Gender, age and nationality are the criteria taken into account when placing students in their rooms. Age groups are planned as 9-13 and 14-17. In terms of nationality, it is considered that there should be at least 2 students of different nationalities in each room, but there is no guarantee in this regard.

Students of different genders are not allowed to stay in the same room. The only exception is that students who are siblings can stay in the same room if they prefer.

Note: Students’ language level is not taken into account when making room arrangements. The language level is a criterion taken into account in classes and activities.

Is it possible to change the room upon student request?

Students who are dissatisfied with their room for any reason and request a change are first asked about the reasons for their request. If there is any problem with the room and it does not meet the standards, the facility authorities are informed and this process is followed in order to eliminate this problem and bring the room to the same standards as the other rooms. If the problem cannot be solved and the standards cannot be met, the room is changed.

It is a very common request that students want to stay in the same room with other students with whom they have established close friendships after the start of the program, but such a change is usually not possible both because it would reduce the motivation of other students staying in the same room and for the healthy continuation of the organization. Therefore, requests from different students to be accommodated together are usually rejected unless specified at the registration stage.

If there is no particular reason for the student’s room change request, the room will not be changed.

Can parents enter the student's room?

Adults who come to the campground to drop off, pick up or visit students are not allowed in the students’ rooms as there may be other students staying in the rooms.

Note: Upon request, an empty room that is not in use and has similar standards to the student rooms can be shown as a sample room.

Is laundry available during the stay?

Laundry facilities are not offered to students participating in 1 or 2-week programs. For students participating in a 3-week or longer program, it is offered free of charge once every 2 weeks, at the weekend.

Students are required to deliver their dirty clothes to the hotel with the hotel’s dirty clothes bag. The laundry will be machine washed and dried and delivered to the student after one day. Students’ laundry is washed and dried collectively in a laundry net purchased on their behalf. Since the washing and drying machines in the hotel are industrial-type, it is not possible to use a single machine for each student.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Nutrition

How is the nutrition program prepared? How many meals are offered?

The nutrition program is prepared using daily, seasonal and fresh ingredients in the form of alternative menus (such as vegetables, red meat or white meat) exclusively for our students in accordance with the guidance of our nutritionist.

Care is taken to ensure that the nutrition program encourages healthy eating. For example, students are encouraged to consume probiotic foods such as kombucha or kefir instead of harmful and carbonated drinks containing sugar, but no coercion is applied to our students in such matters.

As standard, 3 main meals and 2 snacks are offered every day, for a total of 5 meals. Snacks consist of healthy snacks (seasonal fruits, kefir, fruit yogurt, etc.).

Fruit juices are preferred instead of harmful carbonated drinks. Drinking water is always available.

We are also able to offer options suitable for the nutritional sensitivities of our students who are gluten allergic, follow a diet program or prefer a vegetarian diet.

During the camp, our students are informed about food waste and awareness is raised about zero food waste after meals.

Is it possible to deviate from the nutrition program and purchase extra meals from the facility?

No, it is not. Our students are required to follow our daily camp program and attend meals regularly. No other meal options are offered outside of meal times except for the following exceptional circumstances.

Exceptions: 1. Health-related issues, 2. External excursions (1 time per week), 3. Delays in arriving at the camp (arriving at the campsite at a late hour after dinner).

If there are specific eating habits (e.g., eating at 11 p.m. or breakfast at 6 a.m.), such requests cannot be accommodated.

Is market shopping possible during the camp?

We give importance to the healthy nutrition of our students during the camp, and we have a nutrition program that we are sure includes all the nutritional values needed. Therefore, there is no need for essential grocery shopping. In addition, there is no grocery store in the facility or the nearby area. However, we do allocate time for shopping for markets when we go to the city center during the excursions organized once a week.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Registration

How to register?

It is enough to contact us and make a request to register for our program. Afterward, all the details about the registration process are sent in written form by e-mail, and our consultants continue the communication process.

Is it necessary to sign a contract during the registration process?

During the registration process, it is not necessary to print out a contract, sign it and send it to our address. During the registration process, the distance sales contract on our website comes into force.

What is the process after registration?

After the registration process, our counselors will continue the communication process, provide all relevant information in written form and offer the necessary support in written or verbal form. The post-registration process is as follows:

  • Filling in the information forms
  • Making and implementing a payment plan
  • Informing about the relevant preparations as the date approaches
  • Filling in relevant forms such as health or dietary preferences at the appropriate time
  • Final preparations before the start of the program
  • Start of the program

All processes are managed and the necessary information is conveyed to our students and parents within a calendar determined by our team.

Is it necessary to come to the office for the registration process or any process afterward?

There is no need to come to our office for the registration process or any process afterward. All our processes are conducted online.

Is there any deadline for registration?

The registration process continues until 1 week before the date the student wants to attend the camp unless there is a quota problem. However, it is quite possible that the quotas may be full, usually towards the summer. On the other hand, registering without waiting for the deadline usually brings the advantage of benefiting from various campaigns.

What are the advantages of early registration?

Early registration is advantageous both in terms of the exact allocation of program quotas and in terms of benefiting from discounts thanks to campaigns.

Quota problems may arise because of the total number of students or country-specific quota constraints. We have to keep the ratio of the number of students from each country, including Turkey, to the total number of students under control due to our quality standards. For this reason, from time to time, we may not accept the enrollment of some students even if the general quota is available.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Payment

What are the payment methods?

You can pay with three different alternatives: cash, money transfer or credit card. Accepted payment options are as follows:

  1. Cash payment at our office in Ankara,
  2. Payment by money transfer, EFT or swift to our bank accounts,
  3. Online payment by credit or debit card.

Note: In case of payment by money transfer, EFT or swift, all transaction costs belong to the paying party.

In which currencies can payments be made?

Program payments can be made in Euros, Turkish Lira or US Dollars. In the case of payment in Turkish Lira or US Dollars, the payment amount is calculated according to the current value of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey’s sales rate.

Why is the program fee based on Euro? Is there a currency pegging?

Our program is sold in many different countries of the world. For this reason, there is a need to determine a common currency that can be used in all countries where it is sold. For this reason, program fees are based on Euro.

Since the currency parity is not fixed, the Turkish Lira or US Dollar equivalent of the Euro-based fixed program fee may be variable. In the absence of a current campaign, we do not have a practice of pegging the Euro exchange rate to the Turkish Lira.

Is it possible to pay in installments? If yes, what are the conditions?

The prices stated in our price list are cash payment prices. Payment must be completed within seven days after registration. Unless there is a campaign, installment payment is not offered as standard for money order/eft/swift payments. If payment is made by credit card, installments are available with a late charge.

How can I follow the campaigns?

There may be campaigns determined by our company in accordance with our sales policy and collaborations at certain times of the year (such as the early registration campaign applied during the early registration period) or within certain criteria (such as the discount offered to the students of a partner school).

You can contact us to find out if there is an active campaign that can be benefited from and for all other details in this regard.

What is a Deposit Payment?

The deposit payment is not an additional payment to the program fee. This payment, which is collected in cash or by bank transfer before the start of the camp, is defined as a deposit on behalf of the student and is kept for additional expenses that may occur on behalf of the student during the camp mobility (such as damage to any property during accommodation or expenses within the scope of a sudden health problem). If no additional expenses are incurred at the end of the camp mobility, the deposit payment will be returned as collected.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Cancellation & Refund

What is the right of withdrawal and how is the cancellation process within this scope?

The right of withdrawal, according to the Regulation on Distance Contracts, is the right of the customer to withdraw from the contract within 14 days and to demand a full refund of the price paid without any deduction.

No justification is required to exercise the right of withdrawal. If the right of withdrawal is exercised, all payments collected shall be returned in accordance with the refund procedure and the registration process, and therefore all rights and privileges obtained through the registration process shall be canceled.

What is the cancellation process if there is no right of withdrawal?

If the 14-day period legally recognized under the right of withdrawal has expired, the cancellation process is continued in accordance with the following procedure.

  • For cancellation requests received by us up to 60 days before the start of the program, 25% of the total program fee will be charged. If more payment has been made, the overpayment will be refunded in accordance with the refund procedure.
  • For cancellation requests received up to 60 days before the start of the program and at least 15 days before the start of the program, 50% of the total program fee will be charged. If more payment has been made, the overpayment will be refunded in accordance with the refund procedure.
  • Cancellation requests received up to 14 days before the start of the program, as well as on the day the program starts, will not be accepted and the full amount of the total program fee will be charged.

What is the refund process if the program is canceled by UP English Camp?

If the program is canceled by us for any reason, all payments collected without any deduction will be refunded in accordance with the refund procedure. Payments that are not yet due will not be collected.

What happens if the program cannot be held due to a major reason?

If the program cannot be held due to a major reason, all payments collected without any deduction will be refunded in accordance with the refund procedure. Payments that are not yet due for payment will not be collected.

What are the other details about the refund procedure?

Cancellation and refund requests are decided within a maximum of 3 business days and the transactions under our responsibility are completed within a maximum of 10 business days after the request.

  • Payments made in Turkish Lira will be refunded in Turkish Lira.
  • Payments made in Euros will be refunded in Euros.
  • Payments made in US Dollars will be refunded in US Dollars.
  • Payments made in cash will be refunded in cash and with a signature. Cash refunds can only be made at our office.
  • Payments made by money transfer/eft/swift will be refunded by money transfer/eft/swift to a bank account belonging to the payer.
  • Payments made online by credit card or debit card will be refunded primarily as a refund to the relevant card, and if this is not possible, it will be refunded by wire transfer/eft/swift to a bank account belonging to the owner of the relevant card.

Note: We cannot be held responsible if the reflection of the refund to the counterparty is delayed due to the processing times or procedures of financial institutions in refund processes other than cash refund transactions. In foreign currency transfer transactions, correspondent (intermediary) bank costs belong to the counterparty.

Under what conditions can the program be suspended?

In case of any health problem documented by a health institution that prevents the student from participating in the program before the start of the program, the program may be suspended instead of canceled upon request. All rights under the suspended program are transferred to the following year.

In case of any health problem that requires the student to be hospitalized in a health institution for two nights or more after the start of the program, the remaining program period may be suspended upon request. All rights under the suspended remaining program period are transferred to the following year.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Other Topics

What should be the expectations of the students when coming to the camp?

UP English Camp is not an entertainment-oriented organization but an education-oriented organization. However, taking into account the age groups of the students concerned, fun and engaging methods are used in the educational process. Students are expected to adapt to the daily and weekly schedules and not disrupt their schedules, as the daily and weekly schedules are designed in a way that students can easily adapt.

During the camp, the educational process prepared by professionals is based on the educational methodologies and standards of international camps organized in many countries worldwide. In addition, the activities organized during the non-training periods of the day contribute significantly to the practice of the theoretical knowledge learned in the lessons. Another contribution of the activities is that they support students’ personal development. In each activity, students can gain the target outcome thanks to planned processes.

In sum, UP English Camp is not an organization that only offers English education to its students, but English education is at its core. Indirectly, students’ self-confidence and personal development are also actively supported. Students’ expectations before attending the camp should be that they will have fun with students of their own age group from different countries of the world in a disciplined and planned organization, in the company of nature and plenty of fresh air, and that they will improve both in terms of language level and personal development.

How is the adaptation of the students to the camp ensured?

Students can have adaptation problems, especially in the first days of the camp, but it is usually relatively easy to overcome this. We have a management team experienced in turning a negative emotional state into a positive one for the relevant age groups. Especially in the first days of our camp program, introductory and warm-up games involving popular education methods accelerate and facilitate the adaptation process.

We do not disregard any of our students who have adaptation problems, and we do not look favorably on the departure of a student from the camp unless the student has a health problem or there is a persistent request from the parents. On the contrary, we are aware that the unfamiliar camp environment is an opportunity for the student, and we focus on overcoming the existing problems by staying in contact with the student’s parents.

Are there camp rules and how is discipline maintained?

To protect the physical and psychological health of the students, as well as to ensure that the organization runs smoothly and the targeted gains are achieved, there are some camp rules that all students must follow and each student is expected to follow these rules.

An information document that includes the relevant rules is shared with the parents before the camp. In addition, an orientation is given to students at the campsite, and relevant information is provided both verbally and in written form.

It is essential that all students and parents know these details. This is because it is assumed that all students and their parents are aware of the camp rules and know that sanctions (such as termination of the program) will be applied in case of non-compliance with the rules. The relevant sanctions are applied after verbal and written warnings.

Compliance with the rules is a must for the organization to be completed problem-free and successfully for each student.

Do students receive a certificate at the end of the camp?

Yes, at the end of the program, all students receive a certificate for the level of education they have received. In order to prevent paper waste, the certificates are shared in digital format and in a format that can be printed if desired, not in printed format.

Is attendance tracked for training and activities?

Yes, unless the student has a health problem or a valid excuse during the program, the student must participate in training and activities, and attendance is monitored.

Is family participation possible?

No, only students can participate in our camp. We do not accept parents or other adults.

Can the campground and students be visited during the camp?

Yes, parents can visit their children upon request. Although there is no restriction on this issue, we recommend that the visits should be at most once a week and should not exceed 1 hour in order not to prevent students from adapting to the camp.

Students and their families can meet in the meeting area designated by us within the facility. It is not permitted to enter the campground or go up to the rooms during the relevant visits.

The authorities must be informed before the visit so that planning can be made to interfere with the student’s daily schedules minimally.

Are photos of the camp shared at the end of the camp?

At the end of the camps, a photo album with 30 photos from each week is shared digitally with only the students who participated in the relevant weeks and their families.

The photos shared are group photos with more than one student. No personal photographs of any student alone are shared. Since the photos are taken in an instant, it is not planned which student will be in which frame, so any student may or may not be in more than one photo. No commitment is made for any student to take part in the photos.

Students can take personal souvenir photos with their phones during the available times in the camp program if they wish.

Note: Due to our environmental sensitivity, we do not print photos and share all relevant photos digitally.

How is the use of student photos and videos in promotional activities planned?

Group photos and videos taken by our team during the camp can be used in promotional activities.

Parents of students who do not wish to consent to such use must submit a written statement to us before the start of the camp. In such a case, photos and videos with the students in the foreground will not be used in any promotional activities.

How to prepare a suitcase and what should students bring with them?

Information about suitcase preparations or other important details that both students and parents should know is provided to the students and parents in written form before the start of the camp.

How much pocket money should students be given?

Students do not need money for any reason during the camp. All kinds of expenses that students may need at the camp facility are included in the camp program. However, during the excursions organized once a week, students may want to spend on personal expenses such as eating and drinking, shopping or buying gifts for their families while in the city center. For this reason, it may be appropriate to give some pocket money to the students.

Essential details and detailed information on this matter are communicated to the students and parents in writing before the start of the camp.

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